Glencore is one of the world’s largest globally diversified natural resource companies and one of its largest traders. Glencore Western Chrome Mines (WCM) is in the process of acquiring a portion of the mining and surface rights from the Clover
Alloys Rustenburg Chrome Mine (RCM) to reduce the time taken to travel to the face at its Kroondal Mine and increase the mining facetime which will in turn increase productivity. In addition to utilizing the existing infrastructure at Clover Alloys RCM, the applicant wishes to develop additional facilities to use in the life of mine. Glencore has appointed Environmental Impact Management Services (EIMS) as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to assist with undertaking the necessary authorisation processes, including compiling the necessary reports and undertaking the statutory consultation processes, in support of the proposed project as described herein.

Initial Notification Documentation:

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